Focus Course: Game of the Scene


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About: We are excited to announce a new course: Game of the Scene with Rod Bagheri. Game is the concept of finding the behavior that is funny or interesting in a scene and using it for comedic effect. Students will learn to recognize and heighten the game within their scene and learn to pull premises from source materials. Students will use the long-form Armando format as a medium for learning game, and perform in a class show at the end of the course. This course is capped at a class size of 10 to maximize personalized feedback and performance time. To supplement your learning, all Improv Collective shows for the duration of your enrollment will be free.

Prerequisite: Completion of Improv 201 (or equivalent) with strong understanding of fundamentals OR 6 months experience with a team or troupe (i.e. IFL).

Note: Proof of full vaccination is required for this course.

First Class: Monday March 28
Instructor: Rod Bagheri
Schedule: Mondays March 28 – April 18 (4 weeks)
Time: 7-10pm
Class Show: Saturday April 30th
Class Size: 10 max
Class Price: $180